I'm Henry Van Dusen. Thanks for checking out my site.
My hope is to give you, the user, a sense of my work at a glance.
As a green computer science major, I created candusen.net in 2012 to teach myself and explore how websites work. After messing around awhile, I started making stuff I actually liked. My early experiments and explorations are still sitting there on that domain and I still add to it from time to time. I fell in love with tools like paper.js which allowed me to create rule-based imagery and randomized drawing tools. I have been using these sites as personal tools for years to create prints, drawings and paintings.
I graduated in 2015 and made websites as a freelancer for two years. Then I took a multi-media production job at Cory Arcangel's studio in 2017. Some of the projects I worked on are listed right here on my site. Then in 2022 I left to start my current studio to work on projects of all kinds, on and off the web.
I hope you enjoy looking at my work, and if you want to collaborate, please reach out at henry@candusen.net